MS&PC Professional Development Fund

November 2024: MIT Spouses & Partners Connect is pausing the 2024 Professional Development Fund application cycle because of recent updates to Institute regulations around fund disbursement. We need time to understand these changes so that we can update our application form and the way we distribute funds. Thank you for your patience as we update our process.

In the meantime, please check out the other MS&PC resources available to you.

“I am so grateful for the MIT Spouses & Partners Connect Professional Development Fund, which gave me the opportunity to join the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Thank you for this amazing program and for supporting spouses and partners in countless ways!”

Read more about Ashley Pedersen’s story

The MS&PC Professional Development Fund was created to support the professional development of our members. The Fund will reimburse eligible applicants (up to $500) for activities related to their career advancement and development. Expenses eligible for reimbursement are classes, conference registration fees, and professional organization membership dues.

Activities we fund
Application process
Selection procedure
Reimbursement procedure

Activities we fund

Career Credential – a training that provides the applicant with a credential that is required by their profession (e.g. Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support; Trusted Operator Protocol Drone training )

Degree/Certificate – a course that will be credited towards a degree or certificate program (e.g. Certificate in Interior Design; Certificate in Marketing Management)

Professional Organization –  membership fees or conference fees for a particular professional organization (e.g. International Studies Association; Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference; Association of Fundraising Professionals)

Career Enhancement –  a career development activity that will grow the applicant’s knowledge, add to their skill set, or make them a more attractive job candidate (e.g. taking a class to learn a programming language required for jobs the applicant attends to apply for)

Applications will not be accepted for graduate school application fees, subscription/online service fees (like LinkedIn Premium), recruiter or resume services, English as a Second Language classes, GRE/TOEFL or any other test classes or registration fees, work permit application fees, conference travel or lodging fees.

Additionally, we will not accept applications for activities already paid for and /or completed.  If you paid for and started a class in September 2023, that activity would not be eligible for the fund. If you paid for a class in October 2023 that starts in February 2024, that activity would not be eligible for the fund.

Application process

Any spouse or partner of a current MIT student or postdoc or visiting researcher may apply. Applicants must be affiliated with MIT (through their spouse or partner). Please note that priority will be given to those applying for the first time.

Applicants will be required to submit their resume and a proposed budget, as well as answer a few questions, explaining how the request is relevant to their background and how it will benefit their professional growth. Your answers should clearly show how the request you are making will support your professional growth and development and will enable you to continue on your career track while supporting your spouse’s or partner’s studies and research at MIT.

Selection procedure

Applications will be reviewed and selected by a 5-person committee (which does not include MS&PC staff members). The committee will make their decision based on the potential positive impact of the award as described in the application.

Reimbursement procedure

If you receive the funding, you will pay for the professional development activity and then submit a receipt or invoice in order to be reimbursed. Along with the receipts, you will also submit proof of completion/attendance/membership, as well as answer a few questions explaining the impact of the activity on your professional and career development.

Monies will be deposited into your spouse’s or partner’s MIT direct deposit account. Receipts must be submitted while your spouse or partner has an active MIT direct deposit account. If this process of reimbursement is problematic for you, please contact the staff.

Awardees can submit materials for reimbursement at any time, but they must be submitted by May 1st at the latest.


Email us at We will hold information sessions during the fall semester so you can learn how to write a persuasive application. Find more information on our events calendar.

Would you like to financially support the MS&PC Professional Development Fund? Your gift will enhance the careers of our members, thereby supporting graduate student and postdoc families at MIT. Give to MIT Spouses & Partners Connect today.

Read about MIT Professor George Verghese’s 2021 gift to the Professional Development Fund.